Be Ready to Recover
Applications and services interruption or data loss may happen at any time, affecting important campus operations. Therefore, it’s important to know that your unit is ready to recover and restore applications and services as quickly as possible for business continuity. The UCI IS-12 program is designed to assist you in achieving this goal.
IT Recovery
A business continuity plan and an IT Recovery plan together are crucial to keep your unit running smoothly during a significant disruption to campus operations. The campus Business Continuity Plan works to improve the department’s ability to continue the University’s mission of teaching, research, public service, and patient care during any disruptive event – and to return to normal performance as quickly as possible. And IT Recovery plans are necessary to ensure the timely recovery of applications and services that support essential functions. This site focuses on recovering IT applications and services defined under the University of California – Information Security Policy 12 (IS-12), an IT Recovery policy. UCI is taking an iterative improvement approach to implementing the IS-12 policy to help the campus be ready! The Office of Information Technology can assist you by providing tools and guidance to ensure compliance.
Who needs to work on IT Recovery?
Unit IT Recovery Lead in the units who is:
- Identified as supporting essential functions as defined by the campus business continuity plan
- Supporting essential applications and services which need to be recovered within 24 hours or less (Recovery Levels of 5, 4, and 3)
What needs to be done?
Unit IT Recovery Lead in the units supporting essential applications and services need to:
- Create an IT Recovery Plan – Unit IT Recovery Lead to complete the IS-12 workbook
- Test and update your IT Recovery plan and data backup/restore regularly
We created the UCI IS-12 IT Recovery Program to help you.